luni, 29 septembrie 2014

Project management in Romania

irma Specto Management Solutions, cu o experienta de peste 6 ani in domeniul constructiilor din Romania, a finalizat cu succes lucrari atat pe teritoriul tarii, cat si in strainatate, raspunzand nevoilor celor mai pretentiosi clienti si investitori. Principalul obiectiv al companiei noastre este asigurarea unor servicii corecte si competente, in vederea asigurarii conformitatii cu exigentele clientului, cu cerintele si reglementarile legale, precum si de a creste satisfactia clientului. mai mult

Cele mai bune saltele de lux

Cele mai bune saltele de lux mai mult

sâmbătă, 27 septembrie 2014

Ce este project cost management

Project Cost Management (PCM) is a method that uses technology to measure cost and productivity through the full life cycle of enterprise level projects. PCM encompasses several specific functions of project management including estimating, job controls, field data collection, scheduling, accounting and design. Beginning with estimating, a vital tool in PCM, actual historical data is used to accurately plan all aspects of the project. As the project continues, job control uses data from the estimate with the information reported from the field to measure the cost and production in the project. From project initiation to completion, project cost management has an objective to simplify and cheapen the project experience. Source

Despre project management

Project management is the process and activity of planning, organizing, motivating, and controlling resources, procedures and protocols to achieve specific goals in scientific or daily problems. A project is a temporary endeavor designed to produce a unique product, service or result with a defined beginning and end (usually time-constrained, and often constrained by funding or deliverables), undertaken to meet unique goals and objectives, typically to bring about beneficial change or added value. The temporary nature of projects stands in contrast with business as usual (or operations), which are repetitive, permanent, or semi-permanent functional activities to produce products or services. In practice, the management of these two systems is often quite different, and as such requires the development of distinct technical skills and management strategies. The primary challenge of project management is to achieve all of the project goals and objectives while honoring the preconceived constraints. The primary constraints are scope, time, quality and budget.The secondary — and more ambitious — challenge is to optimize the allocation of necessary inputs and integrate them to meet pre-defined objectives. Source